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12 October 2012

The MADNESS of the Ruling Elite & End of the Petrodollar

Mike Rivero - PART ONE

Mike Rivero - PART TWO
SGTreport talks with Mike Rivero of:

SGTreport brings you this in-depth interview with radio show host Mike Rivero, founder of As a 20-year veteran of the truth movement, Mike gives us his expert perspective on the Madness of the ruling "Elite" and the death of the Petrodollar. [Parts 1 & 2]

My comment: 
Politicians, bureaucrats, and bankers are the same throughout the Western World as they are in the US as is shown in these two YouTube videos. They do not want to lose their power, but if their elitist monetary systems implode that is what will happen to them, if not worse. They will and are reacting ruthlessly and relentlessly to avoid this. One should note, however, that insanity is defined as repeating the same action but expecting a different result. So the US Federal Reserve conducted QE1 (quantitative easing), then QE2, then Operation Twist and now is set for QE3. It expects a different result from the rising costs and debasement of the currencies. Somehow by enlisting the cooperation of the Euro Central Bank, the Bank of England, the Bank of Japan, and the Swiss National Bank they think they can pull off QE3 in a veritable ongoing QE to Infinity when all previous efforts have failed to produce a solution or economic recovery. The central planers, sorry central bankers are in a quandary and it is beginning to show. Their solutions solve nothing. If they continue to follow this course what they will finally achieve is at best to rule over the ruins of a destroyed world.

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